CWT Community Discussion on Mar 30 ’23 – Deeper Dive on Trading Boxes w/ CHRISTIAN CARREON


This is a recording of a live presentation by Christian Carreon inside the CWT Community – hosted/moderated by Nicholas Bradburn (past guest on episode 239).

Christian Carreon returns (was interviewed on episode 254) and speaks inside the CWT Community with Nicholas Bradburn and community members.

For those who were fascinated and interested in understanding more about Christian’s approach to the markets via his systematic strategy, this is a must watch. This was a popular episode and listeners wanted to learn more about his approach. So we invited Christian back for the purposes of sharing in more detail with the community on his “trading boxes” approach and what it represents for the markets. He also shares a past “all in” box trade that he took, and the type of analysis he performed, and how he applies boxes and his understanding of trends to analyze for swing and day trading.

How to get in touch with Christian Carreon:
Contact him on Twitter: @trading_boxes

NOTE: We do not moderate comments on CWT Community videos on YouTube. Therefore, comments are disabled here in order to encourage engagement/comments within the CWT Community space where we would have capacity to actively moderate.

Want to join in on the live discussions and be part of the CWT Community?

#stocktrading #swingtrading #daytrading


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