Flexible Dieting vs Clean Eating Study Results! | Educational Video | Biolayne


Study discussed: https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-021-00452-2

For many years myself and others have popularized flexible dieting/If it fits your macros (IIFYM) approach to nutrition for the purposes of body composition modification. We have often cited papers showing no difference in fat loss between groups when protein/calories are equated and other variables such as carbs/fat ratio or sugar intake is modified.

A recent study from Bill Campbell’s lab sought to directly examine this question of IIFYM vs. using a rigid meal plan (aka clean eating) for the purposes of fat loss. The study was designed & conducted by the lead author Laurin Conlin as part of her master’s thesis. Laurin is an IFBB pro and was also a client of mine from 2013 – 2017 and now owns her own coaching business LoCo Fit.

This study found what most of us thought it would find, but it did have one very shocking result. Watch the video for the full breakdown

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